Boss Lawyers | BCIPA Reforms announced by QBCC Commissioner

BCIPA reforms are on the agenda

The Queensland government has approved wide-ranging reforms to the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 (Qld) (BCIPA).

There will be a number of changes to the legislation, which are proposed to take effect as of 1 September 2014:

  • the QBCC will handle the appointment of adjudicators
  • claims may be made for the return of security, not only the return of retention
  • extended timeframes for a payment schedule of up to 15 Business Days for responding to large or complex claims (ie. claims in excess of $750,000 or latent condition- or time-related cost claims) and 30 Business Days for a payment claim served more than 91 days after a reference date
  • the timeframe for providing an adjudication response will be extended from 5 Business Days to 10 Business Days, unless it is a large or complex claim when the timeframe will be up to 15 Business Days, with the potential for the adjudicator to grant an additional 15 Business Days
  • extended blackout periods for Easter and Christmas when counting Business Days
  • respondents will be able to raise additional reasons in adjudication responses, with claimants given a right of reply

Click here for the BCIPA reforms

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