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Director Duties: How to Fulfill Your Role and Avoid Disputes


Directors play a crucial role in any company, but misunderstandings around director duties can lead to disputes that disrupt business and damage relationships. Understanding your responsibilities and implementing proactive strategies can help avoid conflict and ensure smooth governance.

Understanding Director Duties

In Australia, directors have key legal duties under the Corporations Act 2001 and at common law:

  1. Duty to Act in Good Faith
    Directors must act honestly, in the company’s best interests, and for a proper purpose.
  2. Duty to Exercise Care, Diligence, and Skill
    Directors must be diligent and informed when making decisions, ensuring they act with the care a reasonable person would exercise.
  3. Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
    Directors must avoid situations where personal interests conflict with the company’s. Conflicts should be disclosed and managed transparently.
  4. Duty to Prevent Insolvent Trading
    Directors must ensure the company can meet its debts and avoid trading if the company is insolvent.

How to Avoid Director Disputes

  1. Clear Roles and Responsibilities
    • Document each director’s role and expectations through a shareholders’ agreement or governance charter.
  2. Open and Transparent Communication
    • Regular board meetings and open dialogue help identify and resolve concerns before they escalate.
  3. Compliance with Legal Duties
    • Educate directors on their legal obligations to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to disputes.
  4. Professional Advice
    • Seek legal advice when conflicts arise or when significant decisions are being made to ensure compliance and fairness.
  5. Mediation of Disputes
    • If disputes arise, engaging a neutral mediator can often resolve issues efficiently without resorting to litigation.

When to Seek Help

Director disputes can arise even in well-run companies. If you’re facing a conflict or need clarity on your duties, seeking legal advice early can protect the company and its directors from costly outcomes.

At Boss Lawyers, we specialise in resolving director disputes and advising on governance structures to help businesses run smoothly.

Proactively understanding and managing director duties is key to avoiding disputes. A clear framework, open communication, and professional support can help directors navigate challenges while protecting the company’s interests.

Contact Us Today
If you need guidance on director duties, shareholder agreements, or dispute resolution, reach out to Boss Lawyers for expert legal advice.

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