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Mediation Success in a Director Dispute for a Logistics Company

Background of the Dispute
A logistics company faced internal strife as its directors disagreed on the company’s operations, leading to a potential winding up. This director dispute threatened to disrupt business continuity and client relationships.

Resolution Strategy
Boss Lawyers facilitated mediation, leveraging strong negotiation skills to explore creative solutions. The primary goal was to preserve value for all parties involved while addressing their individual concerns.

Result of Mediation
Through mediation, the directors reached an agreement to assign specific customers to each party instead of liquidating the company. This innovative approach enabled the business to continue operating in separate capacities, providing a superior outcome for all stakeholders compared to winding up.

Key Takeaway for Businesses
In director disputes, mediation and strategic negotiation can often yield better results than litigation, preserving relationships and maximising the value of the business.

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