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Trademark Registration

Trademark registration

Why you should Register a trade mark?

Are you looking to protect your brand by registering a trade mark (TM)? Trademark registration in Australia does not need to be difficult or a time-consuming process. For a fixed-fee, a Boss Lawyers trademark lawyer will manage the entire process for you including determining relevant class(es) for your products and services.

Registration of a trademark gives you exclusive rights to use that trademark in relation to the goods and/or services you provide. The only way to obtain these exclusive rights is through registration.

By registering your trade mark, you remove the possibility that your competitors copy or “piggy-back” off your business symbol or name. Your registration will generally give you a right to sue the competitor for damages.

Trade marks are an essential business asset. It is imperative that you choose an appropriate business name and trade mark and also that you protect it.  A business name and company name do not afford you trade mark protection, only a registered trade mark does that.

The benefits of trade mark registration include:

  • Protect your brand – a registered trade mark gives you an exclusive right to use your name or log as a brand name for your listed goods or services. If you own a trade mark you may be able to stop other people using the same or a similar trade mark because of trademark infringement.
  • Brand awareness – the ® symbol (the “registered trade mark symbol”) is only able to be used in respect of registered trade marks. It is unlawful to use the ® symbol for an unregistered trade mark.
  • Control your brand – registered trade marks can be licenced and sold to other parties, creating a valuable asset for your business. It gives you the flexibility and control to choose who and how other companies/people can use your name, should you decide to licence it.
  • Broad Australian protection – registered trade marks provide coverage for the entire Australian jurisdiction.
  • 10 year protection – trade marks are registered for 10 years, but can be renewed indefinitely for a fee.

If you wish to receive a free quote on trade mark registration, call us today 07 3188 0200 or fill out the contact us form.


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